Dnes se mi nainstalovaly další service packy na Office, IE8 na notebook a pár ostatních updatů. Stejně neplánuji updaty někdy odinstalovávat, tak se chci zbavit oněch souborů a ušetřit tak místo na disku.
Trochu jsem hledal a našel tento script:
(nebo mrkněte na další postupy)
Pojmenujte například cistka.vbs a spustte:
Option Explicit
Dim o, oShell, nConfirm
Set o = WScript.Application
o.Interactive = True
Set oShell = CreateObject(„WScript.Shell“)
nConfirm = oShell.Popup(„Do you want to remove Windows Update Uninstall Files?“, 0, „Remove Windows Update Uninstall Files“, 4 + 32)
If nConfirm = 7 Then
o.Quit 0
End If
Dim oFSO, sWinDir, oFolder, oDictionary, oSubFolder, sFolderName, sFolderPath, sUpdateName, sDeleted
Set oFSO = CreateObject(„Scripting.FileSystemObject“)
sWinDir = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(0)
sDeleted = vbNullString
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sWinDir)
Set oDictionary = CreateObject(„Scripting.Dictionary“)
For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
sFolderName = LCase(oSubFolder.Name)
sFolderPath = LCase(oSubFolder.Path)
If Left(sFolderName, 12) = „$ntuninstall“ And Mid(sFolderName, 13, 2) = „kb“ Or Mid(sFolderName, 13, 2) = „q“ Then
sUpdateName = Mid(sFolderName, 13, Len(sFolderName) – 13)
oDictionary.Add sUpdateName, sFolderPath
End If
For Each sUpdateName in oDictionary.Keys
sDeleted = sDeleted & vbCrLF & sUpdateName
sFolderPath = oDictionary.Item(sUpdateName)
On Error Resume Next
oShell.RegDelete „HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\“ & sUpdateName & „\“
On Error Goto 0
oShell.Run „%ComSpec% /C RD /S /Q “ & Chr(34) & sFolderPath & Chr(34), 0, True
If Len(sDeleted) > 0 Then
MsgBox „The uninstall data for the following updates are now removed:“ & vbCrLf & UCase(sDeleted), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, „Files Removed“
sDeleted = vbNullString
MsgBox „No Windows Update Folders found for removal“, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, „Nothing To Do“
End If
o.Quit 0
Zdroj: astahost.com